Best Ever Homemade Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge

This is definitely another one of those recipes that you can add to your collection of easy and beyond delicious, but even better, its perfect to cook up in batches and give as gifts. My family has been making this recipe for as long as I can remember, and we often make a pan-full around the holidays to share with family and friends. 

If you think fudge is a difficult candy to make, then I am here to show you how simple and easy it actually is. The ingredients are few and the directions are simple. This recipe comes from my sister Lisa, and below in my haphazard handwriting of years ago is the recipe, but I will type it out for you here so that it is much clearer and easier to read and understand. 

Two notes before you start though, be sure to use a can of evaporated milk and not sweetened condensed milk, and the brand does not matter. I use store brand all the time and the results are the same. Second, though the written recipe calls for one quarter pound of margarine, I have only ever used butter and not margarine. In place of buttering the pan, I lightly spray it with nonstick cooking spray - a light spray is all you will need. This recipe makes about five pounds of fudge!

Spray a sheet cake pan with nonstick cooking spray and set aside.

In a medium-sized pot on the stove mix together:
4 & 1/2 cups sugar
1 can evaporated milk
Boil for ten minutes on medium, stirring constantly

In an electric mixer bowl put:
1/4 pound butter (one stick)
1 & 1/2 cups peanut butter
1/2 to 3/4 jar marshmallow creme (Fluff)
18 ounce chocolate chips
1 to 2 teaspoons vanilla

After the sugar & milk mixture has boiled for ten minutes, remove it from the stove and carefully and slowly pour it over the peanut butter, marshmallow creme, chocolate chips and vanilla. Carefully blend with the mixer on low - - make sure you do this first part slowly so that it does not splash out of the mixer, as it will be very hot! 

Once the mixture is well-combined, turn the mixer up to medium and mix quickly for another minute or so to completely blend the mixture. Stop the mixer and scrape down the sides of the bowl if you need to. Mix until completely blended and smooth. Pour into pan. Allow to cool completely before cutting. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator up to a week or freeze. 

Spray pan and set aside - I actually spray it and then wipe out the excess spray with a napkin

Chocolate chips, marshmallow, vanilla and peanut butter in mixer bowl ready and waiting for the hot mixture to be added 

In pot on stove top combine sugar and evaporated milk and mix

Mix constantly while it boils for ten minutes

Once hot mixture has boiled for ten minutes, carefully pour it over the ingredients in the mixer bowl. 

Stir very slowly at first to combine

Once all ingredients are combined, mix quickly until smooth

This fudge is ready to go into the pan

Pour into pan and cool

That's all there is to it! 

What do you think? 

I hope you have a great week! 


My broken china jewelry is always available for purchase at

Article & images copyright ©Laura Beth Love 2019 and may not be republished in print or other media without express written permission from the author
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